Simple Life launches partnership with FiiT

Time is precious and we all know that finding time for oneself can be a real challenge. Daily commitments are many and all too often, without intention, time for our personal health and fitness can drop down the To Do list. To support Simple Life residents access great classes for the home and the gym, we are delighted to launch our partnership with FiiT the UK’s #1 rated interactive fitness platform.
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Simple Life launches partnership with FiiT

With an initial 100 memberships available, 94 have been snapped up in the first 24 hours. Applications included a ‘Why For Me?’ comment highlighting a wide range of motivations and goals – from busy family life, working from home, access to fitness, health recovery, motivation, bereavement, postpartum, or simply wanting to be fitter for life and those around us.

I have had a baby; and I am currently 6 weeks postpartum, struggling to find the time to stay active and go to the gym. In am trying to do some YouTube home workouts and really think this app would benefit me.

-Simple Life Resident

I would really appreciate if I could get the FIIT membership. I am looking for a platform to exercise in convenient, flexible and effective way. Being a doctor and a mother, I found it difficult to have some time to go to the gym or even to go for a run while my kid is sleeping. This will give me the flexibility I need.

– Simple Life Resident

Being a member of FIIT will offer me the flexibility to work out from anywhere, with a wide variety of classes and personalized workout plans tailored to my goals and fitness level. I want to enjoy engaging features like live leaderboards and challenges that would keep me motivated. Also, it’s the community I would gain from joining them that would be invaluable.

-Simple Life Resident

I would like to have free access as I would really like to get fit & healthy again, especially for my kids.

-Simple Life Resident

I am an office worker based entirely from home. My demanding job doesn’t allow much time to get out and about during the day so this would be amazing to do after work.

-Simple Life Resident

I am awaiting knee surgery and have to lose weight. It would be good to have a fitness programme running alongside. And great to do it in the privacy of my home. 

And I’d appreciate access to the FIIT App as I’ve been struggling with my weight and want to try a new approach.

-Simple Life Resident

We look forward to hearing news of progress, supporting and encouraging participants through challenges and fun activities, and wish everyone well on their fitness journey.

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